Monday, December 10, 2007

Microsoft Money 2007 Deluxe

Performance is harassment and functionality is faulty

I am a seasoned user of "Microsoft Money" since 2001 and used Money-2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007 versions. On the subject of convenience and integration of multiple financial activities, Money (and for that matter even Quicken) does a fantastic job.

However, with 4-5 years of usage of 'Money', my money file has grown to nearly 19MB. Due to the large file size, I am getting pathetic performance which is quite annoying. I have a laptop with 2.4GHz dual core CPU and 1GB RAM, however very basic activity such as looking at monthly report, budget report etc. takes 2-3 minutes to display on the screen ! Even if I retry, it once again hangs for 2-4 minutes. I will be lucky if I could get 'any' operation finished faster then 5 seconds/transaction. The problem isn't with specific version but the way Money is designed to store its information. There were some discussion on improving performance by using money data on Database but Microsoft chose not to invest money on any such design change.

Another annoying thing I observed with Microsoft Money is with every newer release one will get fancier but more BUGGY software. So far I found '2004' release best in the bunch but once you upgrade the version and make new entries it is not feasible to go back to earlier version.

Let me give you an example that will explain the problem. Most common activity a user will have is it to download data from financial institutes. Money will connect to these institutes and get the data. It will turn back in 2-3 minutes with newer data and shows status 'done'. On the "Account List" you will see, for example, 5 new transaction and when you inside this account, there is no new transaction listed ! Reason is, though you got 'done' status data hasn't finished downloading. After 2-3 minutes you will get the data in the account. When you see the transactions, you won't be able to 'accept' them as it is waiting on 'something'! In short, after getting data downloaded from the institute, you won't be able to 'accept' them for nearly 3-4 minutes. I am surprised to find that Microsoft is selling software w/o testing such basic functionality !
NOTE:I noticed above mentioned bug only in 2007 release.

I wish to have a better software for my need w/o losing existing data but Microsoft hasn't offered better (not just newer) version yet. Quicken seems to have similar issues. Quicken doesn't allow any migration facility to use existing Money files under their software. Once again, I can just wish that Microsoft Money 2008 comes with higher performance and basic testing.

If you are a first time user, prefer to compare both Money and Quicken for yourself before locking your data with one of the them. With 'Money', once your file grows larger, performance deteriorate significantly.

One last point-- even with above limitations, I am better off using this software then not having it at all. Here I jotted down major limitations of Money; Microsoft does good job of marketing good points so I won't spare much time on that.

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