Monday, December 10, 2007

Blind date with CFA

Lately, since last few months, I have become avid visitor to Wikipedia, YouTube etc. websites. On every visit, I am getting the feelings of, 'Aha !'. Now, I have very useful and quality information, be it in text, audio or video format, available on my fingertip, provided I have laptop and internet to my service.

Having said that, I believe it is my moral obligation to share with my fellow netizens. my (future) experience and what I find about CFA.

CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) is marketed as Gold Standard in financial world. To some professionals associated with WallStreet, having CFA (sometimes CFA title while sometimes just first two parts) is requirement. There is some pitch where CFA title is considered as salary booster (The CFA site says that the CFA charterholders receive a 41% higher compensation than non CFA charterholders.)

However, as of now my objective is quite limited. To explore whether CFA (Part-I) will help me to launch my endeavor in investment career more effectively ? Will the knowledge gained during CFA-I study give me strong foundation to go for MBA-Finance next year ?

CFA curriculum that includes following 10 topics seems promising:-
* Ethical standards,
* Quantitative methods,
* Economics,
* Financial statement analysis,
* Corporate Finance,
* Analysis of Equity investments,
* Fixed income investments,
* Derivatives,
* Alternate investments,
* Portfolio management.

The examinations are grouped under three levels, starting with basics and going further on integrating the topics. Here is approximate weitage each of these topics will carry (Copyrights CFA Institute):-

Keep watching for more updates on CFA...

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